
    Ultimate X #1

    Ultimate X » Ultimate X #1 - Chapter One: His Father's Son released by Marvel on April 1, 2010.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Who - or what - is Ultimate X? The answers and even more secrets arrive in the all new ULTIMATE X ongoing bi-monthly series from the superstar dream team of JEPH LOEB and ART ADAMS. Wolverine is dead. Captain America is a fugitive. The Fantastic Four disbanded. Lives have been destroyed and nothing can ever be the same - is there any hope left? It all begins with a search for a brand new character whose identity will leave jaws on the floor and change the Ultimate Universe forever.



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    4.4 stars

    Average score of 4 user reviews

    Silent triumph 0

    This issue drove me crazy 'out the future of Ultimate U.   We have a brandnew character here, which is very cool despite the sharp decline in population. We have Arthur Adams here, who is now my personal artist-God. And at last we have the first really GOOD comic from Jeph Loeb, who gives something decent once in six/nine months.  So, let's get to the point. After the mind-f!cking Ultimatum, Magneto, Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast & thousands of others from the mutantkind died. Now we have only a...

    14 out of 14 found this review helpful.

    ULTIMATE X #1 0

    Jeph Loeb and Art Adams brings us the first issue of Ultimate X. There's not much i can say about this issue without spoiling things for someone. But I'll do my best. In this we meet a new mutant that has some familiar abilities by the name of Jimmy Hudson. This character is bound to have a impact on the Ultimate Universe. We also get to see Kitty Pryde in this which is pretty cool. The writing by Loeb is really good. Could we really expect any less? The art work in this is also amazing. Art Ada...

    7 out of 9 found this review helpful.

    Ultimate Comics X Issue 1, SPOILERS 0

    I must say right off the bat, I love the Ultimate Universe. It is what hooked me on comics in 5th grade, and 7 years later I still love it (And even thinking about Ultimatum makes me cringe). So seeing the Ultimate Universe survive and expand has me very very happy. This comic was very surprising and is even redeeming Jeph Loeb in the Ultimate Universe as far as I am concerned.  And now to spoil things.   If you haven't figured it out already, this kid, Jimmy Hudson, has a connection to Wolver...

    5 out of 6 found this review helpful.
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