Lust For Life last edited by gravenraven on 05/27/23 05:31PM View full history

    In this second volume of TRANSMETROPOLITAN, which now has been reconfigured to collect issues #7-12, renegade journalist Spider Jerusalem targets three of society's most worshipped and warped pillars: politics, religion, and television. When Spider tries to shed light on the atrocities of these institutions, he finds himself fleeing a group of hit men/kidnappers in possession of his ex-wife's frozen head, a distorted creature alleging to be his son, and a vicious talking police dog.



    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    Your vision of the future is subject to change 0

    Transmetropolitan volume 2 elaborates on the misadventures of outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem and on exactly what he writing for; the truth.   Story: Spider is regaining his footing in the city after the events of the Transient riots due to his column "I Hate It here", which has gained a significant amount of publicity. More light is shed on Spider's "filthy" assistant Channon, as the volume begins with her boy friends "downloading" to become a nanohuman, (Long explanation short, his mind is ...

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