
    Top 10 #2

    Top 10 » Top 10 #2 - Blind Justice released by DC Comics on October 1999.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Blind Justice last edited by gravenraven on 05/24/23 08:17AM View full history

    It's the day after Toybox's first day at the new job and things are routine, strictly routine. There's a minor traffic accident,  involving a blind cabbie,  and the usual problems with the gangs in South Green; Girl One turns out to be wearing less than regulation uniform; and Kelmo Caesar gets punched out in the canteen. Other than that, it's a slow day at Precinct Ten. There's reportedly a body in an alley down North Hockney way, but it's probably just some wino. Come on, keep it moving. There's nothing to see here.

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    Ripped From the Headlines (of the Planet) 0

    More great superhero police procedural drama from Moore, Ha, Cannon and Klein! In this issue, Irma Geddon and Girl One get hit on the way to work by none other than the Zen cabbie that Toy Box a ride last issue. The autopsy of Gromolko reveals very little; Smax takes on the Fabulous Five street gang; and there's new developments in the Libra serial killer case.  All that and more character development of the ensemble cast plus comic book in-jokes make this issue of Top 10 another winner. This s...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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