

    Character » Titan appears in 9 issues.

    SPB created by Dr. Krigstein he along with the rest of his team fought the Authority and he was killed by Apollo

    Short summary describing this character.

    Titan last edited by gravenraven on 07/14/23 08:48PM View full history

    Titan was a member of the Americans, a black ops team of SPB who clashed with the Authority when the team when after the newly born Jenny Quantum in Manila city. When he tried to kill both Jenny and the Doctor with a jumbo plane, the baby actived hers latent powers and burned of Titan's legs. The pain make him lose concentration and left the Doctor again operative to contact the rest of the Authority. He was unceremoniously killed by Apollo.


    Along with its large size, Titan had mental powers capable to disconnect the powers of their opponents, as he did with the telepathic link and powers of the Doctor. However to make these abilities work he had to keep on his concentration.

    Is unclear if his giant form was his normal size or if he could manipulate his size at will as the same as Hank Pym, character than "inspired" him..


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