
    Thunderbolts #158

    Thunderbolts » Thunderbolts #158 - Tide of Anarchy released by Marvel on August 1, 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN! When the Fear Itself hammer falls, The Raft is raised by one of its most powerful prisoners with a newfound weapon of the gods! Now the Thunderbolts will begin to learn the true meaning of FEAR ITSELF! Frank Tieri, Jen Van Meter & Joe Caramanga join series writer Jeff Parker to give us all side of the story as the Thunderbolts try to hold themselves and their world together against tide of anarchy!

    The Thunderbolts main team (minus Juggernaut) and the new reserve team fight alongside one another against a horde of zombies in Iraq.

    Reserve team members Boomerang and Shocker both are swarmed and nearly killed in the battle, no thanks to Centurius, who could have saved both of them but became too distracted with the scientific endeavor of examining the brain of a decapitated zombie.

    During the battle, back at the Raft, one of the Serpent's hammers crashes down and is swiftly claimed by the angry and demoralized Juggernaut, who (off panel) quickly sets himself, as Kuurth of the chosen, to leveling approximately half of the Raft facility. This allows for the biggest supervillain prison break since the first arc of "New Avengers". Here we see the escapes of multiple villains who have already reappeared on the outside in other Fear Itself tie-ins, such as Man-Bull (in Herc) and the odd team of Ember, Aftershock and Icemaster (in Fear Itself: The Home Front).

    Cut back to Iraq and Centurius manages to make the discovery that saves the day, after Troll rescues Boomerang and Shocker saves himself. With the battle won, only then does the team catch word of what's going on back on the Raft, and both teams hightail it back to base.

    The issue ends with both teams, together, rounding up the last few straggler prisoners who hadn't managed to escape yet... and with Centurius expressing to the other reserves that he could probably disable their nanites relatively easily in the confusion.


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    Juggernaut is now more unstoppable! 0

    The Thunderbolts B Team faces a bunch of zombies, and a hammer hits the Raft, which is picked up by Juggernaut, making him more unstoppable than ever before.The GoodAlthough I don't read Thunderbolts on a regular basis, I really enjoyed this as a tie-in. So far, Fear Itself has done pretty well with their tie-ins and it's cool to see how Juggernaut got a hold of the hammer and what was going through his mind moments before grabbing it. Aside from that, as much as it confused me because I'm not a...

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    Driftwood 0

    It's hammer time at the raft. Meanwhile, the T-Bolts are neck deep in zombies and the staff at the raft are neck deep something far more unpleasant.   The Good Jeff Walker's back to doing all the art and thank God for it. Parker and Walker are a match made in heaven, and no other artist that's filled in can recreate Walker's chemistry with Parker's scripts. Parker does a great job this issue and is give lots and lots of action to draw. I really, really love his design for Worthy Juggs.     This ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Jam packed.... 0

    So, as it turns out, the vast majority of the stuff happening in Fear Itself's secondary titles is directly because of The Juggernaut becoming Worthy. While the whole team is out in the desert blasting zombies, Juggy gets himself a hammer, and basically tears The Raft a new one in a big way, setting free most(if not all) of the prisoners held there, which of course means bad things for the rest of the Marvel universe. We see Man-Bull(currently of Herc status), Aftershock and co.(currently in the...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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