
    Thor: Ragnarok

    Movie » Thor: Ragnarok released on November 03, 2017.

    Picking up after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor must fight for his life on an alien world after being exiled by Hela, the Asgardian goddess of death.

    capedcrusader202's Thor: Ragnarok review

    Avatar image for capedcrusader202

    Thor has arrived

    Thor Ragnorok finally brings people the Thor they've been waiting for. The jokes had everyone laughing and the action had everyone wooing. The side characters also help the movie along with perfectly timed comedic moments. It may have taken three movies to get here but Thor is right where we want him.

    Other reviews for Thor: Ragnarok

      Thor:Ragnarok 0

      This movie didn't feel like it serviced the characters and it was kind of a lame excuse to give Thor a trilogy like Captain America and Iron man. First off, I'd like to get this out of the way: Jeff Goldblum as the grand master was the second best part of this movie behind the Thor-Hulk banter when Hulk became Bruce Banner again. The main problem with this movie was that it didn't have the character dynamic that I expected from a movie featuring the likes of Hulk, Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and, my ...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Fun but rushed 0

      Alright, I love marvel to a degree where you could put me in front of any movie about marvel characters and I would probably be happy but even so, this film felt like it was rushed, cobbled together, and several characters seemed like afterthoughts. That said, the action is great, the comedy is better, but it didn't come together as a coherent film after the credits rolled and the final scenes showed. There is practically no exposition, just a quick fight scene, a quick reveal of Loki posing as...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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