
    Christopher Yost

    Person » Christopher Yost is credited in 527 issues.

    American comic book and TV writer and producer. Currently writing Scarlet Spider and Superior Spider-Man Team Up. He was also one of the writers of Thor: The Dark World.

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    Chris Yost is probably most famous for working with Craig Kyle to create the character X-23 , a female clone of Wolverine who was originally created for the cartoon X-Men: Evolution.

    Yost and Kyle then began writing the on-going title New X-Men. Together they are probably best known for killing off several current and ex-students of the Xavier Institute with a storyline where the depowered students were murdered in a bus explosion that had been planned by William Stryker and the Purifiers.

    Yost has recently wrote the X-Men: Emperor Vulcan five issue mini-series on his own. Now that New X-Men has recently finished, Yost and Kyle began work together on the new X-Men wetworks team title, X-Force where he has resurrected many of the X-Men's deadliest villains and introduced some new monsters.

    Yost has also done work for DC, most notably for his contributions to the Red Robin series - The Grail and Collision. His groundwork in these arcs also laid the foundation for the remainder of the series before it was ended due to the events of Flashpoint and the New 52.


    Yost has stated that cartoons were his first love, and he has worked on countless cartoons, including X-Men: Evolution, Fantastic Four: World Greatest Heroes and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    He will be working on the up-coming Iron Man series, and the up-coming Next Avengers. He has written the recent Wolverine and the X-Men animated series, as well as the two current Hulk Versus one-off specials.

    Characters Created by Christopher Yost




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