
    The Wild Storm #3

    The Wild Storm » The Wild Storm #3 - Chapter Three released by DC Comics on June 2017.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Angela Spica is wounded, alone and hiding from black-ops killers sent by her own benefactor, the man she thought responsible for her well-being—the mastermind behind an assassination attempt the Engineer just foiled. But, unknown to her, she might yet have a chance to survive this terrible day. The Grifter has a plan.

    A storm is building. And through it all, a mysterious woman crackles though the electrical devices that inhabit our lives, slipping among the invisible networks of the world.

    There’s something new in the world.

    List of covers and their creators:

    CoverNameCreator(s)Sidebar Location
    RegRegular CoverJon Davis-Hunt1
    VarVariant CoverJamie McKelvie2
    VarVariant CoverJim Lee, Scott Williams & Alex Sinclair3


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