
    The Uncanny X-Men #391

    The Uncanny X-Men » The Uncanny X-Men #391 - Dad released by Marvel on March 1, 2001.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Cyclops and Corsair go on a father/son camping trip. What could possibly go wrong?

    Scott Summers, the mutant leader of the X-men known to one and all as Cyclops has just returned from "death". This has left him irrevocably changed and this change leads him to have a talk with his father the space faring Corsair. Father and son reunite in this touching tale.



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Right Time 0

    So this was not only a good book that deals with Cyclops and his father. It was a book that developed the relationship between the two. But this was a good book because I found it on Father's Day. That wasn't too big of a thing but for some reason it made this book better. ...

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