

    Character » Sylph appears in 9 issues.

    Sylvan Scofield is a vengeance fueled-daughter in a costume that resembles draped crimson sashes. Achilloron responds to electrical impulses, allowing it's tentacle-like appendages to be used as tools or weapons.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Sylvan Schofield is motivated purely by revenge. This pervading thought led her to kill the very people who created the Achilloron fabric she now wears. Her father - a chemist - had created the miracle textile, but had committed suicide when others stole his designs.

    Sylph wrapped herself in a bolt of Achilloron and slew some of the most prominent business leaders in Bludhaven. After Sylph's first two killings, Nightwing crossed paths with her. He nearly became another of her victims when she wrapped him in a sample of Achilloron and dumped him on a highway.

    Nightwing captured Sylph as she tried to murder the third of the patent stealers. In the struggle, Sylph became entangled in her fabric and apparently broke her neck. Nightwing was not convinced by her death and would not be surprised should she return.


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