
    Suicide Risk #5

    Suicide Risk » Suicide Risk #5 - Instant Access released by Boom! Studios on September 2013.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Before Leo, before Memento Mori, before Diva...there was Ada Robins. When superpower slinging dealers Jed and Hailey find Adaa kindhearted, if downtrodden mother of twoshe had been watching her life fall apart in slow motion decades now, with no hope of putting it back together. Life having primed her for Jed and Hailey's Faustian bargain, Ada finds herself at the moral crossroads finally have the freedom from crushing responsibility, or keep her beleaguered family together? And what's stopping her, if she really thinks about it, from just having...both? A standalone tale perfect for new readers.



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Suicide Risk #5 Rating 0

    Cover & Solicit - 3/5Would I pick-up or buy the comic based on the solicit or cover alone?Are the alternate covers appealing?Does the solicit and cover portray what happens in the issue?Do I like the artist's style on the cover?Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5- Weighted DoubleDo I personally like this artist's style?Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?If there are multiple artists do they blend well and not disturb the reading experience?Does the coloring/inking blend well w...

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