

    Character » Sonatine appears in 51 issues.

    Sonatine is the leader of the Brotherhood of the Darkness and wants to capture The Darkness to use him at his will.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Sonatine is the leader of the Brotherhood of Darkness. Their sole purpose is to either control the bearer of the darkness or to steal the power from him. Sonatine has a little bit of the Darkness power inside of him. He was the one who contacted the mafia leader Frankie Franchetti and told him that if he kept the orphan Jackie Estacado around it would bring him great power. 


    Sonatine first appeared in the first issue of the Darkness published by Top Cow. He was created by Marc Silvestri, Garth Ennis and David Wohl.

    Character Evolution

    Sonatine is an expert in the use of dark magic and leader of the Brotherhood of Darkness and his main goal is to establish a new status quo where the darkness shall reign supreme. To achieve that, he will have to submit first the current wielder of The Darkness, The Darkness, and that is not an easy task. In his last encounter with The Darkness, Sonatine was almost killed but in the last minute, he managed to transfer his soul into Nino Wenders, a former member of the Brotherhood, where his consciousness resides to this day disguising himself as an ally of Estacado. His fate remains unknown as he was not part of the second run of the comic.


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