
    Rhonda Morris

    Character » Rhonda Morris appears in 2 issues.

    Rhonda is the mother of Llyra.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Rhonda Morris is the mother of Llyra the half-Lemurian girl. When Rhonda was younger she was on a ship searching for new marine life she could put on display and study at her Oceanarium. While on the ship the crew netted a Lemurian man by the name of Llyron. Over time the two fell in love and were married in secret. Llyron would later die defending Rhonda against a shark but not before Rhonda was impregnated with his baby. That baby being the girl Llyra.

    Rhonda's story bares a strong resemblance to Namor's parents who met and fell in love similarly.


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