
    Providence #3

    Providence » Providence #3 - Act 3 released by Avatar Press on August 2017.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The soul-crushed final arc of Providence is unveiled in this special hardcover-only edition! Everything Robert Black thought he knew is called into question as the tapestry of history and the stories of H.P. Lovecraft get wound ever tighter. All the secrets are revealed and nothing will ever be the same by the end of Providence! Alan Moore's quintessential horror series has set the standard for a terrifying reinvention of the works of H.P. Lovecraft. It is being universally hailed as one of Moore's most realized works in which the master scribe has controlled every iota of the story, art, and presentation. The result has been a masterpiece like no other and a true must-have addition to his essential works in the field. We present a collected Providence Act 3 Hard Cover edition that contains Providence issues #9-12, and all the back matter, in this one-time printing of this edition.



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