
All-Star Superman was a great read! This fits as its ending song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUbFljMLIY8

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  • Vonstantine posted a message in the forum topic John Constantine vs Dr.Strange. on the Battles board

    DependsIs this a random meeting in a bar? Does it have to do with Margaret Thatcher? Is Gemma in this? Which of John's ex-girlfriends is involved?

  • Vonstantine posted a message in the forum topic Light Yagami Vs Kaiji(Kaiji The Utimate Survivor). on the Battles board

    Kaiji has gambler instincts that I'd go so far as to say are almost as good as Akagi's.He just has a habit of getting into situations where that can't save him. I'd say he's just emotionally weak, but...

  • Vonstantine posted a message in the forum topic Batman Vs Spider Jerusalem. on the Battles board

    @armstrongnigt321: batman is a bratty rich boy who solves things thru law enforcement. spider actually sees the problem--which are ideas and knowing human nature, thus he is smarter and not a brute