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Favourite Vertigo Titles

I'm a huge fan of Vertigo comics, and some of the original Vertigo titles were what really got me addicted to comics. Here are some of my favourites, some old, some new, probably will add as I find new things.  Not really in specific order, although I guess the most favourites will be towards the top since I tend to think of them first. 

List items

  • Maybe it's sacrilege that I like Neverwhere more than Sandman, but I don't think I care. Carey's adaptation of Gaiman's novelisation is beautiful and succinct, and Fabry's artwork just awesome.

  • Still probably my favourite ongoing series, even though it went through quite a lull. But it's back now!

  • Perhaps the most recognisable Vertigo title, for good reason.

  • Although the original Books of Magic story was fantastic, this took it to a whole new level, and is classic Vertigo.

  • Gorgeous occult horror. Outshined by Hellblazer, but no less good.

  • One of the trippiest stories I've read, and I'm so glad Shade was brought back for some cameos.

  • I'm not sure I can even really comment. Just.. Natural Born Killers-esque resounding wonderfulness.

  • Sheer brilliance in the combination of worlds, and the writing and art together pull at your emotions unlike pretty much anything else I've recently read. Present-day Vertigo at its finest.

  • Zombie girl detective with all sorts of other supernatural creatures, witty writing, and great art? Yes, please.

  • Who doesn't love Spider Jerusalem?

  • The most brutal crime miniseries I've ever read.

  • Great story, was reminded of it by the recent Image miniseries 27.

  • Actually took me a while to get into Fables, but it definitely grew on me.