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My Favorite Top Marvel &DC Charchaters


Apocalypse-Cable-Bishop-Cyclops-Havok-Banshee-Gambit-Quicksilver-Juggernaut-GOTG-they count as 1

Beast-Magneto-Warpath-Storm-Beta Ray Bill-Fantastic F-Loki-Ronan-Colossus -Nightcrawler

Angel-Rulk-Betty-Valkyrie-Noir Spiderman-Miles Morales-Sinister 6-Sabertooth-Mystique-Ben Reily


Now for my favorites of DC

Kilowog-Saint Walker-Blue&Green Lantern Corpes- Group pic of combined heroes i love Red Tornado-Big Barda-Wonder Woman-Booster Gold-Ray Palmer-Hawkgirl-Hawkman-Guardian-Nightwing-Roy Palmer-Starfire&Blackfire-Beast Boy.

Sinestro-Tomar RE-Black Adam-The Flash Rogues-Atrocitus-Jay Garrick-Black Lighting-Hank Hall-Ocean Master hince my user name-Steel

Other DC ladies-Zod-Mongul

MR Terrific-Granny Goodness The Furies-Jackson Hyde

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Jay Garrick is my favorite Flash.

Jay Garrick is my favorite Flash, as well as favorite male hero.

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Everyone always talks about Barry or Wally which are dope they both are no doubt about it but I grew up reading Jay Garrick so for me, He is the Flash. He actually inspires me to always try and do the right thing coming up and even now in my adult years I always wonder what would he do in this situation. I look forward to see him on the big screen someday. Seeing I'm on CW flash is pretty cool seeing him in the games is just as great to Jay is the man and no matter what happens I always stick with Jay Garrick Flash. <3


Favorite Flash VILLIANS

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Rival just seemed cool to me

Thawne group up reading him and he never disappoints

Zoom do I eed to say more

Black Flash super badass

Tum he just so different from others

Inerita I like an evil version of Bart.

Saint walker casually blocked an energy blast from kilowog iirc

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Skallox was giving some trouble to Hal.

2 beat supergirl

3 vaporized other red lanterns

Survives a blast from many green lanterns and Ganthet


MY Favorite DC Heroes and Why?

MY Favorite DC Heroes and Why.

Wonder Woman, Supergirl, And Big Barda. I love these ladies because I identify with them. Ever since I was a kid I always admired strong women because I came from a family where Women were the back bone, they were the one raising the children on their own. Those 3 fictional women had to prove their worth on a team of male dominant heroes and they arose to the occasion watching my sister, mom and so many others in my family do the same idk maybe ...it sounds silly but those 3 women have a special place in my heart always have, always will same for Storm but she marvel so she wont' be here. But anyways I been reading and collecting their comics for years especially wonder woman and Supergirl.

I grew up watching and reading Dick Grayson as Robin and I always thought how cool it was that this orphan kid was hanging with Batman. I wanted to be just like him even now he is still my icon. One day I get there.

MR Miracle grew up in hell kinda. And watching him escape that place and to make a decision to change that part of his life and to identify himself as something More.

Booster Gold I always felt like him, wanting to be noticed wanting to change things and almost all his acts I feel similar to him.

Kilowog I grew up with as my Green Lantern he was just overall more badass then the others, always taking charge and he is the trainer of the GL's that has to stand for something.

Red Tornado always been my guy he just that charchater I always enjoyed just can't help myself.

Jay Garrick was the flash I grew up reading on didn't even know others existed till years later. He is probally the most nobel and Honest Hero I have ever encountered in fiction imo. And I always looked at him as a cool guidance man for myself. And if I had powers and was a Hero he would probally be who I would match personality wise.

The Atom was always the coolest smart guy in comics I read on his outfit, the stuff he dose personality I can't explain him he just stuck out in my head ad he way better then bats imo. But I never truly like Batman persay he is cool but nowhere on my list period.

Hawkgirl just badass no other reason.

Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire always been my favorite members of the teen Titans.

Superboy and Monel they remind me and my brother from when we were younger. He passed away few years ago but those memories still with me.

Kid Flash and the Wonder twins, And Donna Troy, Cassie Wondergirl, Bart Allen. are cool to but anyhow those are my favorite DC heroes. Obvious Supergirl and Wonder Woman are the top lol but each one of the guys mean something me. Just thought I would finally put it out there.

Oh and Animal Man he just an interesting charchater as much as I like different stores of different fictional heroes, I pick his up any day.


Some of my Favorite Feats for the Deep Sea King and Ginyu

1 The Deep Sea King.

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This guy is a boss first I do his strength feats that I enjoyed.

1 Destroys a building

2 knocks lighting into another building

3 Hits Genos arm so hard they fall off.


1 Catches sonic

2 Appears behind Lightning Max while a few blocks away.

Captain Ginyu

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This guy has a variety of Abilities

: Superhuman Physical Characteristics Martial Arts, Afterimage True Flight Aura ChiEnergy Manipulation Energy Projection Soul Exchange Telekinesis Energy Sensing Enhanced Senses

Least Planet level destruction.

Super Strength 100 tons imo again my imo

Ginyu dose not have many feats but just his entire fight with Goku will always bee one of my favorite.

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Some of my Favorite jessica Drew Feats


1 Beats an Atlantean

2 Kills a skrull with her own hands

3 beats Nekra

Not like the best but her taking a beating from a Skrull is powerful move imo

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can resist Xavier

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good h2h

It's it for now I will return to this


Favorite top 10 Actresses

1 Melissa Benoit

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2 Kate Beckinsale

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3 Jenifer Gardner

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4 Christina Ochoa

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5 Elizabeth Olsen

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6 Gal gadot

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7 Ashley Green

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8 Tilda Swinton

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9 Charlize Theron

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10 Queen Suga

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My favorite feats for New 52 Supergirl, Linda Danvers, PC Superboy new 52,post crisis, Red Sun Superman

Super Girl


1 Punches Superman

2 makes Wonder Woman bleed. A feat that not easy to do and shame on whoever dose that to the Queen ,Love me some Super Girl to though.

3 Fists with the mass of moons. Legs that burn with the power of Suns.


Love the blast she takes from the Netron Star tipped Rockets.

Heat Vision

Her heat vision is so powerful it vaporized a Tidal wave I know superman can do it to but it's still impressive never the less.

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Linda Danvers

Just really posting strength for seeing as that's all I really cared for with her.

1 Punches Grodd through trees .

2 Tears off a robot's arms .

3 Pushes a battleship with Power Girl.

4 takes a handful of furies to hold her down.

5 • Punches Parasite to the Eiffel Tower.

Superboy New 52


1 Lifts Argos city off Krypton.

2 Knocks back Trigon's Brothers.

3 Superboy uses his Telekinesis to amp Wondergirls lasso.


1 Throws Jon Lane Kent threw the moon .

2 Resists a magical assualt long enough to get close enough to knock one of trigons brother through central park.

3 Stops a train.

4 Draws blood from Martian.

Post Crisis


1 when he had no powers still took down Gorilla Man.

2 Restrained by Pre-Crisis Supergirl and Powergirl.

3 Staggers Brainiac.

4 in 851st century legend, he literatly kicked Doomsday into orbit.

5 One shots a huge monster

Telepathy Resistant

1Resists Black Lantern Ring.

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fights with Mon El.

Red Sun Superman And just let me tell you Red Sun is my ultimate favorite Superman.


1 stops a train.

2 Breaks lantern constructs easily.


1 Despite a two hour start,. still catches Brainiac over 45,000 miles away in 58 seconds.

2 Moves 10x the speed of thought to remove the lantern ring from Hal.

3 Moves Braniac's ship.. 15 million miles away in less than a minute.


1 Tracks Wonder Woman's voice all across Russia.

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These are my favorite feats by these particular versions especially MR Red Son Superman