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The Pitbull: Butcher of Jefferson Street

By day, I’m a retired MMA fighter who now works as a plumber. By night, I am The Pitbull, a vigilante who kills the criminals that the cops are too scared to go after.

After I broke into the Blue Paris nightclub and got revenge on the gangster who killed my son, I thought I may be ready to retire. But I was wrong. The fury I felt in my heart didn’t die when he did, so I carry on, as The Pitbull.

After two months, I’d finally found him.

For over a year, a serial killer that the local news had called The Butcher of Jefferson Street had been hard at work. According to witnesses (the few he left), his MO was to pick up girls at the grimiest, filthiest bars & clubs in the city, drug them, and take them outside to an alley. From there, he’d tear them apart and leave them for dead, on the spot, before disappearing.

The police didn’t give a crap about it, not while it was happening at bars in the poorest neighborhoods of the city. But I cared, and if they weren’t going to do anything about it, I was. So for two months, I hung out in and around all of the worst drinking holes in the city. I even had a pattern of which ones I’d go to on which nights, never repeating the same ones within the same week, to avoid the killer catching onto me.

And then, finally, it happened. After an two hour stakeout outside The Wormhole, I saw a blacked out girl being helped out by a man in a long trenchcoat. He then dragged her into an alley next to the club.

“Finally.” I said as I made my move.


I followed him into the alley, and saw The Butcher place the girl behind a dumpster. Then, I slipped my mask on and yelled “STOP!” before drawing my gun and firing in his direction.

“That was a warning shot.” I replied. The only reason I fired a warning shot first was because at that range, I may have accidentally hit the girl. “If I have to fire again, it won’t be a warning.”

“You a cop or something?”

“Do most cops wear dog masks?” I asked. “Now let her go and come with me, or else.”

He then took off running. I fired at him two more times, but missed, and then took off running after him.


He returned around the corner. I turned it too, and shot again, this time, getting him in the back. He then took cover behind a delivery van.

“Come on out!” I ordered, but he stayed hidden. So I turned around the van, hoping to put him down with my fifth and last shot.

But I wasn’t so lucky. The moment I was in his periphery, I lunged

towards me, and tried to take the gun.In the struggle, I accidentally fired and ended up hitting the wall of the Chinese restaurant beside us.

I then simply let it go. He attempted to fire at me; I’d have deemed it an insult if he didn’t. But he immediately discovered the gun was out of ammo. After tossing it aside, he then turned to a new form of ammo; his blades.

He pulled two knives from underneath his coat and threw them at me. I dodged one, but the other got me in the shoulder. My body armor stopped most of it, but it still pierced at least half an inch into my skin.

“Damn.” I yelled out as he then came at me with a flying sidekick. It knocked me into the wall behind me, and before I could recover, he then threw a roundhouse kick at the side of my head.

I was knocked to the pavement. He then pulled another knife and said “Shame, I was hoping for someone prettier than you to be my next kill. But you’ll do more than satisfy my appetite.”

He tried to stab me in the chest. But I caught his wrist, and stopped his hand before the blade could pierce my chest protector. I then stood up, and pushed him back.

He came at me with a slash. It sliced the back of my arm; hurt like Hell, but wouldn’t be fatal. I then stepped in closer, and popped him right in the nose with my fist. I then followed up by bending over and shooting in for a double take leg takedown.

Once I had him on the ground, I started pounding him with hammerfists. For a few moments, I thought victory was at hand, until he pulled a pocket from his coat, and stabbed me right in the gut.

If it had been a full size knife, I’d have probably died right there. But since his last blade was just a pocket knife, it only barely pierced my armor. But it still stopped me, and gave him the chance to push me off of me, jump back up, and kick me in the head while I was still reeling from the stab.

He tried to kick me again, but I quickly put my hands up to protect my face, and blocked his shin. I then put him in an ankle lock, and didn’t let up until his ankle was dislocated.

I then wrapped his arm around his neck, to try to choke him out and finish him off. He then began slicing at my arm; so instead, I grabbed him by his hair, and pulled him into a wall. He hit the brick head first, basically knocking him out cold.

From there, all I had to do was finish him off with his own pocket knife, and then, I left him there. My work was done, time to go home and let the city take things from there.

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@dernman said:

Godzilla is no longer the King of the Monsters now that he shoots pink energy in the new movie. You have to now say she's the Queen of the Monsters.

Does this mean Godzilla and King Kong babies in the third movie?

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After the Infinity Saga, I genuinely believe it's Iron Man now.

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Perseus Lowery, The Extraordinary Pirate: Part 4

Recap: my name is Isabella. I used to work a boring, dead end job as a bartender for pirates, hearing tales of adventure I never dreamed I could ever join.

That is, until Perseus Lowery arrived. He thrust me into an adventure, to get the largest pearl in the world. Unfortunately, the evil Norwegian pirate, Captain Skarsgard, is also after the pearl, and will stop at nothing. We have the map, but it’s a race against time to get to the pearl first.

At first glance, no one would have suspected Perseus’s crew of being a particularly impressive lot. But these men had just saved my life from one of the most ferocious pirates in The Caribbean, so clearly they were more than meets the eye.

“This is First Mate Norris.” Perseus began, as he pointed to an older, stockier fellow, one with a peg leg. “He was my father’s first mate, and now, he’s mine. He’s as loyal as a pirate can get.”

He then pointed to a different pirate, one a bit shorter than most. “That’s Quartermaster Jenkins. In addition to running the day-to-day of the ship, he is our best brawler. Don’t let his size fool you, his punches hit like cannon balls.”

I then heard a meow.

“And that’s the most important being on this vessel.” He said, as he pointed to a cat. “His name is Hercules.”

“That’s a cat.” I said.

“Good thing you chose one who went to school.” Jenkins said as he belly laughed.

“Cats bring good luck to ships. Without him around, we’d have been goners long ago.”

“Then why doesn’t Skarsgard have one?” I asked.

“Because he’s a fool.” Norris said. “He thinks wealth and power will give him a lifetime of dominance on the high seas, forgetting everything a true sailor needs.”

I was then introduced to the other eight men aboard the ship.

“With introductions out of the way, we need to set sail. Captain Skarsgard has probably already left, and he’s in the faster ship. If we don’t get moving soon, we’re gonna fall behind.”


“The map said to be wary of this island. Apparently, there’s some kind of sea monster protecting it.”

“What?” I asked.

“Well, the map didn’t say what, but it did indicate that there’s a beast around the island that wants to keep the pearl all to itself, and is ready to fight for it. But don’t worry, Hercules here grants us plenty of good luck, we should make it out.”

I kept my brave face on as we were approaching the island, but deep down I was terrified. I had heard some pretty scary talk of sea monsters from the men back in Port Royal; if we were going up against one without even having an idea of what to expect, I didn’t know if we were even going to make it out alive.


I remember seeing the island, and thinking we had finally reached the treasure. I thought that maybe the map was wrong, maybe we could just take the treasure and escape with the skin on our backs.

But then, the boat rocked. I thought it might have just been a wave or something, but then, it rocked again. We had either hit something big, or something big had hit us.

And then, a giant crocodile leapt out of the water, and landed on the bow of our ship. It must have been at least twenty feet long, and stood at least six feet tall. It was so heavy that it tilted the ship with every step.

“FIRE!” Perseus ordered, as Quartermaster Jenkins fired a cannonball at it. It clearly wounded the gargantuan beast, but didn’t kill it. Then, it started approaching us. We didn’t have time to load another cannonball, so Perseus drew a sword and shouted “ATTACK!”

The men then charged the beast. The first ones to lead the charge were knocked back when the mighty beast flung its tail. But while it reset itself, Perseus rushed it and stabbed it right in the eye. The Beast turned in pain, and First Mate Forris fired a shotgun at its other eye, blinding the beast.

“SHOW NO MERCY!” Perseus said as his men attacked the now blinded monster with an unrelenting rain of shots and slashes. Once it was all done, we simply tossed its body off the deck.


Two men succumbed to the injuries they sustained when the beast flailed its tail. We buried them at sea, and then lived up to their memory by making sure their sacrifice wasn’t in vain, by continuing to the island. From there, all we had to do was follow the directions on the map.

“X marks the spot.” Perseus said as he followed the treasure map to the spot where the treasure chest was buried. Then, we dug it up.

And then, we found it. A pearl larger than my head. I knew at that moment that we’d be set for life.

But moments later, I doubted if that life would be much longer.

“Oh no.” one of the pirates said as The Daughter of Loki appeared on the shore of the island.

Captain Skarsgard’s ship began firing cannons at them. Once we all took cover in the island’s jungle, the ship anchored, and the pirates began to row to shore in lifeboats. Captain Skarsgard himself led the pirates as the came ashore.

“This doesn’t have to be difficult.” Captain Skarsgard said. “Just give us the pearl, and we’ll be on our way.”

He then drew his flaming, enchanted sword. “Last night to give it up without a battle. This hourglass is for one minute. If I don’t see a pearl on this beach by the time the sand hits the bottom, all of you will be skinned alive and left to rot.”

“Gentlemen, this is it.” Perseus said. “This is where we make our final stand. He thinks he can rule the seas; he thinks he can take what he wants. But no; today, we show him that he isn’t the only pirate in this ocean. Who’s with me?”

“AYE!” The Pirates shouted in unison.

“Load your guns, and when I give the signal, fire on them. But don’t aim for Captain Skarsgard; save him for me.” He ordered.

“ATTACK!” Captain Skarsgard ordered his men. As his men charged the dense foliage of the island, only for the first wave of them to get shot down with mini balls.

“DO NOT RETREAT!” Captain Skarsgard barked at his men, as he drew his flaming sword. It became immediately clear that his men were more scared of him than of us, so they came back.

We didn’t have time to reload and fire again, so our men drew their swords and engaged the enemy. At the same time, Captain Skarsgard and Perseus locked eyes. They both then drew their swords, ready to finish their dispute once and for all.

“Isabella, stay back.” He told me.

“No.” I said as I drew a sword of my own. “I’ve come this far with you, I’m not going to sit back as we finish this.”

“Very well.” He said to me.


Captain Skarsgard quickly reached for his pistol, and attempted to shoot Perseus in the head. Perseus ducked underneath just in time. He then drew a pocket pistol of his own, and as he stood back up, he grazed the Captain’s shoulder.

It was only a graze, not a fight ending injury. All it seemed to really do was infuriate him.

Perseus then rushed him, hoping to kill him quickly. But Skarsgard was on the defensive; he blocked and parried all his strikes. I then rushed him, and tried to get him from behind while he was distracted; he spun around and parried my stab. He then started slashing towards me, I could barely block them; I could feel the heat of his flaming sword, like I was standing right next to the sun.

He then powered through my guard, and then slashed forward. I stepped in time to avoid the worst of it (I’d have died if I didn’t), he still nipped my torso. His sword was so blazing hot it cauterized the wound as it passed me.

“STOP!” Perseus shouted as he dove at him. He threw out a barrage of strikes that wouldn’t let up. As fast as Skarsgard was for his age, even he was struggling to stay on the defensive. I seized the opportunity, and stabbed him right in the small of his back.

He yelled in pain, and tried to turn himself around, but as he did, Perseus stabbed him right through the chest.

“Say hi to my father for me.” Perseus said as he dropped dead on the beach.


The rest of Captain Skarsgard’s men quickly surrendered after what happened. Without their leader there to threaten them with his enchanted flaming sword, they were ready to throw in the towel, and we allowed them to. We’d all seen enough death that day, we didn’t need anymore.

We took the pearl to a jewelry broker in Cuba. My Spanish isn’t good enough to understand what he said, but it didn’t need to be when he presented us with a huge chest filled with solid gold coins, so heavy that it required four men to carry it to the ship.

“So, what now?” I asked.

“I’ve been wondering that myself.” Perseus said. “I’ve wanted the pearl for so long. Now that we’ve found it and gotten to a level of wealth I could never imagine, I don’t know.”

“But I do know that the sea will have the answers.” He said. “I just know we’ll find somewhere out there worth exploring, and something worth finding. Care to join?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I said as I boarded his ship, and prepared for my new life aboard his ship.

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Surprised to see so many votes for Harley Quinn. All of my favorite moments of her (both in the comics, and in adaptions) are when she's a Suicide Squad member.

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Also, Black Adam. Although I haven't read much Black Adam, is he generally presented as an anti-hero outside of the DCEU movie?

But yeah, the most hilarious part of the Black Adam movie for me is that it could have been a great Justice Society movie. Tell me that a movie of Dr. Fate & Hawkman leading a team to stop Black Adam wouldn't have been at least okay?

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Venom. I greatly prefer him as a Spider-Man villain to any portrayal of him (in comics or in the movies) as an anti-hero.

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@sundown89@cbishop apologies that Jennifer's final entry (for now) took such an insanely long time to come out, but better late than never.