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Top 5 strongest pokemon

1. Arceus

He's the god of the pokeverse. What more is there to say?


These three are the creation trio. Dialga is the god of time. Palkia is the god of space. and Garintina is the chaos pokemon. These three are all equal in strength.

3. Mew/Mewtwo

Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon. Mewtwo is his clone. They are equal in power and they are a force to be reckoned with.

4. Rayquaza

He is the sky pokemon. He protects the world when Kyogre and Groudon fight.

5. Kyogre/Groudon

Groudon is the creator of the land and Kyogre is the creator of the sea.

List items

  • He's the god of the pokeverse. What more is there to say?

  • These three are the creation trio. Dialga is the god of time. Palkia is the god of space. and Garintina is the chaos pokemon. These three are all equal in strength.

  • Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon. Mewtwo is his clone. They are equal in power and they are a force to be reckoned with.

  • He is the sky pokemon. He protects the world when Kyogre and Groudon fight.

  • Groudon is the creator of the land and Kyogre is the creator of the sea.