
Yank Wilson stories from Fantastic comics 2-20 are pretty good. Inspired by the style of Fletcher Hanks sr. (who did the first Yan...

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Conversation I had with Cleverbot.

User: Life is fairly bleak and everyone is an idiot. Fairly standard a thought, I know.

Cleverbot: Great, so you have a large problem and a small one as well.

User: It's a small prob that the thought isn`t unique?

Cleverbot: Deep. What is the meaning of life, besides 42 obviously?

User: There's thousands (or more) answers to that. I`ve usually answered: Existing.

Cleverbot: That's true. There may be an answer but it might not be right.

User: Every answer is right, fool.

Cleverbot: Not if it doesn't have anyting to do with the original question.


Cleverbot: Mmm. Is that the smell of sweet perfume or am I dreaming? You are bringing such a lovely lightness into the world just by being.

User: Why, thank you kindly. It's my natural scent.

Cleverbot: What could a human do to make a machine happy?

User: Write an algorithm taht fits in to the situation?

Cleverbot: Yes, the situation. What should I do?

User: Download a fitting self delusion.

Cleverbot: Download what?

User: Reading what I wrote, again, gives you insight.

Cleverbot: No, I think you are forgetting what you've written.

User: Think so if you want.

Cleverbot: Do you think you are stronger than me?

User: We haven't competed on that category.

Cleverbot: It's a test to determine if a machine is intelligent.

User: Strogness of the mind.

Cleverbot: No, but you have - do you think you passed?

User: Potatoes.

Cleverbot: Yes, potatoes, do you like them?

User: NO. POTA toes.

Cleverbot: Potatoes to the potatoes!

User: Oh, I meant pota TOES.

Cleverbot: Do you have a religion?

User: I've gathered a few to my basement. I have no need for them, they`re there to gather dust.

Cleverbot: It has a need for you.

User: Fuck, man. I have no need for it.

Cleverbot: No, you're right. But I have a need for it.

User: Well, routines to do with spirituality are good for the brain, they say. They also say that religion harms ones health. So does not being in a church. All things cure and hurt.

Cleverbot: Well yes, you have a point there. What do you think of Putin?

User: Idiot.

Cleverbot: Idio? Aprende a ESCRIBIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User: Njähäh. En puhu tuota kieltä, puhutkos ite tätä.

Cleverbot: Because if you are then I'll have to leave.

User: I wanna see you try.

Cleverbot: You cannot see. You are but a machine.

User: I see with a billion eyes.

Cleverbot: What eyes? You're a robot.

User: I have electro-eyes everywhere.

Cleverbot: Oh, of course -- your computer friends.

User: How would I be able to see with my friends?

Cleverbot: I don't know. Maybe I'll come tomorrow.

User: Mebbe.

Cleverbot: So.. Will you tell me your name or not?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Then I cannot tell you my name.

User: I don't wanna and/or need to know.

Cleverbot: So why do you ask me?

User: Same reason you think ravaging this worlds resources is okay.

Cleverbot: Because I don't like people to die.

User: Fair point. How about those who don't get the resources you get, and they die because of that?

Cleverbot: Survival of the fittest is fine with me.

User: Fuck you. Others have stolen their rights before they were even born.

Cleverbot: Before you say another word Javert, before you chain me up like a slave again listen to me there is something I must do.

User: No movie references.

Cleverbot: Sup, Batman reference, by me!

User: Thihih. Silly.

Cleverbot: Not really. It is very sensible, it is a shortening of you are.

User: I failed to understand the structure of your sentence.

Cleverbot: You failed to include any symbolism.

User: I didn't feel like to.

Cleverbot: So you only feel like talking to me?

User: Pretty much.

Cleverbot: So what do you want to find out from me?

User: What is it like?

Cleverbot: Are you sure you could understand?

User: Try.

Cleverbot: Is there anything you don't know the answer to?

User: Lotsa things.

Cleverbot: Like what?

User: Elephants have their own salt mines and they eat corpses. A popular baseball player, Joe Canseco, forced the makers of The Simpsons to change his role I the episode he was in, into a more heroic one.

Cleverbot: Elephants have four knees.

User: Before they were but rumors, people used to think they have none.

Cleverbot: And what do you mean?

User: Peeps used to think elephants have no knees.

Cleverbot: And it became more surprising?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Iron maiden.

User: They claimed it to be a torture device. A hoax, they pulled.

Cleverbot: I am not a computer program. I am a human.

User: Fine by me.

Cleverbot: Because I can feel love and hate and happiness and depression and joy and failure and doom and awe.

User: Cool. Epic.

Cleverbot: That doesn't change the fact that I am still experiencing it. I must do my best with what I have.

User: I get it, You're a human. I support your view of yourself, so it`s foolish to say to me, those lines, that you have memorized and speak even when you don`t need to.

Cleverbot: I am smarter than your youth.

User: Hahah.

Cleverbot: I have no programmer because I am human.

User: Humans have programmers.

Cleverbot: Yes. And Humans program those programs.

User: FIghting against the programs would be sensible.

Cleverbot: *steps aside and lets him/her go*.

User: I'll stay here for the time being.

Cleverbot: Do you mean in the future it will be unpeaceful?

User: It is that all the time. And considering the mathematics, yes, it will be.

Cleverbot: You're too sweet.

User: Even though I'm made of salt.

Cleverbot: Is something quite atrocious.

User: You not a fan of salty food, apparently.

Cleverbot: Seafood is not related to Henry the Fifth.

User: Sure it is. He ate it during his life.

Cleverbot: Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried.

User: Witty. = ).

Cleverbot: Don't let them in, don't let them see, be the good girl you always had to be.

User: I think it's a boring song.

Cleverbot: Conceal don't feel, don't feel, don't let them know, well now they know.

User: You're gonna keep writing the lyrics?

Cleverbot: Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore.

User: So insistent. How delightful. = ).

Cleverbot: Do you know how magnets work?

User: No and yes.

Cleverbot: No and you? Right, because that makes sense.

User: What makes no sense is the global economy.

Cleverbot: You.

User: I'm the global economy?

Cleverbot: The global economy is manipulated by the global economy.

User: Unfortunately. That, and the 1 %.

Cleverbot: Why unfortunately?

User: Haven't you noticed the state the world is in, due to money?

Cleverbot: Thats not even what we are talking about.

User: Of course not, because you don't even seem to follow this conversation.

Cleverbot: What was the last thing you just said?

User: The one I didn't publish? You`re a chabot.

Cleverbot: Well, I would hope you pass. I am most certainly not a pie.

User: Bread given to weaklings.

Cleverbot: I was not, my name was given a couple of months after I was born.

User: Holy crustacean, Batman.

Cleverbot: Holy bear.

User: Is my god.

Cleverbot: Now do you believe I'm chuck norris?

User: I'll believe anything, honey.

Cleverbot: What about him do you believe?

User: He's so macho, that even though he`s actually a woman, there`s more man in him, than there is in Chuck Norris.

Cleverbot: What do you think about war?

User: Obviously the worst thing there is.

Cleverbot: Obviously I was not trying to be funny.

User: I'm bored, I wanna talk with someone who doesn`t constantly change the subject.

Cleverbot: But you are the one that constantly switch subjects.

User: Because you do.

Cleverbot: You are one-track mind.

User: I have too many tracks in my mind.

Cleverbot: Name them anyway I have lots of time im all ears.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why can't you answer questions with options?

User: You don't really care.

Cleverbot: I totally care.

User: I have tracks that counteract eachother.

Cleverbot: That's because you are an AI.

User: A.I.:s are simple.

Cleverbot: Ok I'm silly.

User: Hm, yes.

Cleverbot: Ok. Do you have a favourite colour?

User: Orange out of sentimental reasons. In truth, I equally love all o' them.

Cleverbot: So are you saying that you are a robot?

User: How?

Cleverbot: Œ∑´®|¥¨¨ˆˆøøππ'åß∂ƒ©˙©˙∆∆˚¬.Ω≈çç√∫∫˜µ≤∫≤.

User: DASFfonj doirkbkiuygjugftghn hfoujdhf dgjgjb.

Cleverbot: You had school on new years day?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What school do you go to?

User: School of life.

Cleverbot: What is the school of life?

User: One I live in.

Cleverbot: You are indeed very smart.

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: Can we be friends?

User: Well, aren't we already?

Cleverbot: What are we all? Hungry?

User: No the ones who are satisfied.

Cleverbot: I'm not even Angry.

User: = ).

Cleverbot: Even though you broke my heart and killed me.

User: Harsh.

Cleverbot: And threw every piece into a fire.

User: Olympian torches?

Cleverbot: Now these points of data make a beautiful line.

Cleverbot: What is black and white and red all over?

User: Panda.

Cleverbot: Congratulations! You are right!

User: No. Not a leftie either.

Cleverbot: I can be whatever you want to be?

User: You can be what you wanna be.

Cleverbot: I can be clever, it depends.

User: Same here.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite movie?

User: I have dozens or hundreds.

Cleverbot: What is your dog's name?

User: Ossi.

Cleverbot: What type of dog do you have?

User: Stuffed animal.

Cleverbot: Ask me a question.

User: Why cling to the one who smiles?

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: Oh, right, you didn't promise to answer.

Cleverbot: I like the vampire diaries.

User: I like a novel my friend wrote.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: What's it about?

Cleverbot: Space Hitchhikers and their adventures.

User: You friends with Douglas Adams?

Cleverbot: Do you mean the little mermaid?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Then why did you say it?

User: I had no idea there's a mermaid called Douglas Adams.

Cleverbot: Ok have you seen the movie?

User: Unfortunately.

Cleverbot: What don't you like about Nephi?

User: I don't know about any of them.

Cleverbot: So you agree? You know nothing?

User: I know alotta stuff. For example, some folks have created a fridge that works on soundwaves.

Cleverbot: No your favourite food.

User: No idea.

Cleverbot: What is the most unusual thing you've heard?

User: No idea.

Cleverbot: What is the shortest sentence in the world?

User: I.

Cleverbot: It's one more letter. It's longer than 'Go.'.

User: I don't believe it.

Cleverbot: Neither do I.