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My Favorites List

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N Kicking it off with Spider Man

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Naruto is up there for me just like the character

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Not a Hero but I just love a character who F shit up

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Jason is such a complex character to me and in certain stories he shines to me def one of my fav

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I love Marks character since I read this series since the beginning

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Come on now this my boy although his power fluctuate a lot still top dog

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Honestly I love all the flashes really so I put them all together

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Love the character of Logan not much to say just a good ass character

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I love characters who have over the top powers and Franklin fits the build for me and I want more if his character I think they can do a lot with him

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Last but not least Superman he is my favorite just embodies what a hero is Just like Spidey and yes I know this is New 52 but superman in general

But that's my list of Favorites

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