
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion

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  • Fall1n1 posted a new image.
  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic What's a good comic with a GOOD Phoenix story? Other than the Original?. on the X-Men board

    Oh if you wanted a different perspective on the Dark Phoenix Saga you can read the prose novel. I'm about to read it myself and I hear it's incredibly well done, and compelling

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic POLITICS THREAD. on the Off-Topic board

    @dernman @hatutzeraze you both fully know you're just entertaining me yet you keep ranting like lunatics lol. And I'd read it, I really would, but I feel like reading the long rantings of people with ...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic POLITICS THREAD. on the Off-Topic board

    @reaperthegrim: I feel like my point has been made really clear. But I can go again: Trump has tweeted a white supremacist video and not one republican had the integrity to stand up and say that's not...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic POLITICS THREAD. on the Off-Topic board

    Do people who identify as Republicans or Democrats really think the people who head their party care about anyone other than themselves? Why does no one talk about how terrible our government's two ri...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic If god is all knowing, can he be all good?. on the Off-Topic board

    @dshipp17: wow someone didn't read the Bible, see I did. God killed all the first born Egyptian children if the jews were not released from slavery. He sent his angel of death. In the apocryphal texts...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Are You Racist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @poedameronsbutt said:@cocacolaman said: I’ll treat your preferred “Victim” race the way you treat cops atm.This is one of the most ignorant and disgusting things I’ve seen on this site though.I could...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Who’s your favorite (Most popular) Shounen Duo. on the Gen. Discussion board

    My favorite duo is Lelouch vi Britannia (L.L.) and C.C. awesome picks though man. If I had to pick from ur list Id go either Kakorat lol and Vegeta, or Yuske and Hiei

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Whats Going Through Your Mind Right Now... 2.0 . on the Off-Topic board

    @zetsu-san: I thought it was pretty good too. But for real the protagonist was quite annoying. But I loved the "world building" of The Tower and its denizens.

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic If god is all knowing, can he be all good?. on the Off-Topic board

    You mean the god who killed innocent Egyptian children for the crimes of their parents? Nah not evil at all

  • Fall1n1 posted a new image.
  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Top 5 Anime Shows with the best overall fight sequences/scenes.. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Let me think bro.DBZ and DBS ofcAttack on TitanCode GeassPsycho-PassGuilty CrownSamurai ChamplooAfro Samurai

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Are You Racist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @lord_tenebrous: edify me please. Also please don't say Im a sinner (that is a subjective term) or that I need some 'savior'. I don't, and will not bow to any savior.What does being a christian have t...

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic POLITICS THREAD. on the Off-Topic board

    What happens when someone's beliefs are so outlandishly asinine that responding to them makes you look just as bad? The only thing you can do is joke because how can it possibly be taken seriously.

  • Fall1n1 posted a message in the forum topic Do you like the character of Yamcha from Dragon Ball?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I voted no but now I regret it haha. Yamcha has been part of the crew since DB, but his powers are so inconsequential that I almost forget he, tien and chaltzu (I don't feel like looking up how to sp...