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  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic DCEU Flashpoint Flash vs Fox Quicksilver. on the Battles board

    the flash, he can move so fast that he can time travel, the flash can generate enough speed to use electricity. The flash could kill kryptonians, tho they were weaker than superman and zod, but he st...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic GoW Thor vs GoW Zeus. on the Battles board

    This shouldn't even been a question, Zeus is far more powerful. Kratos needed several power ups, primordial energy and so on to beat an old zeus. kratos stated he lost all his magic powers when he ca...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic Insomniac Kraven VS Arkham Batman. on the Battles board

    Sorry, but you're not going to get a fair and accurate answer from most people. You need to wait till the hype dies down and people come to their senses. Spiderman on PS5 is very popular right now so...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic Mcu Spider-Man vs carnage (venom 2). on the Battles board

    MCU spiderman had trouble with doc ock and he couldn't even beat the lizard from TASM. Carnage will win, I swear you MCU fans are something else at times. I luv the raimi spiderman but even i can adm...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic Mcu Thor vs Dceu Supergirl. on the Battles board

    I have to go with Thor on this one, Kara couldn't even put down zod permanently. he killed her over and over again, Thor at this point should be as strong as he was in infinity war or even stronger an...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a message in the forum topic DCEU Black Adam vs MCU Thanos. on the Battles board

    Honestly I can see this fight going either way, a lot of people are going to immediately go to his lightning. yes it can hurt thanos, but NOT kill him, Thor's lightning is more powerful and it didn't...

  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.
  • coolerdbz50 posted a new image.