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Average score of 7 user reviews

Not a great start, but one you can enjoy. 0

 I'll have to start by saying that if you're the type of person that enjoys characterization a little more than the story, this issue might be a right choice for you.   The Good: Cyclops assembles a team to help the people of San Francisco rebuild the city that suffered from the attack of Bastion on the mutants. So, the first good thing is the team. Magneto, Colossus, Psylocke, Omega Sentinel, Hellion, Random (Yes,...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Surprisingly Good. 1

I have to say I didn't had my hopes on for this series, but this first issue made me change my mind.  The Good: I wasn't sure up to now for the looks of the "Lights" but this book helped me to understand what is the purpose of each one of these new characters. The art was good, pretty consistent through the issue, it had faults but nothing to drive you off. The story was lacking, but it was compensated with characterization. Each of the new "lights" got some spotlight panels to show each of thei...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Finally the finale. 0

 First of all, the ending was great, we all saw it coming, but was the only one it could be.   The Good:Hope was well written on this issue, it felt akward for me how she was portrayed before, but Emma did explained it "some people hate her and the rest are expecting her to turn water into wine, besides her father just died" her relation with Cyclops is growing into something that if handled well could turn into something really interesting, in general what I enjoyed the most of this issu...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Finally some goosebumps from a comic. 1

 They had been preparing us for this one. Everyone speculated and made assumptions, but let me tell you, it's nothing till you read it.   The Good: About the death, it was spectacular, i was worried that it would be forced, but it was superbly written and drawn, emotional, shocking and beautiful. There was this really good scene, when a part of the team finds out about the death, that was brilliantly drawn. Aside from the death the issue was good, I enjoyed specially seeing Bastion finall...

15 out of 20 found this review helpful.

This issue should go BAMF!! 1

I just picked this up. (how i wish i didn't do that) Ok, I know that in origins stories it is normal to change a little the facts, but in this one is just ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that Kurt finds a priest who is good to him and coincidentally has the same last name as the one that was believed to be his father (after all he was Mystique's husband), so Kurt in honor to this priest decides to adopt the last anme Wagner to find years later that his supposed father was in fact Wagner (...

5 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Pxie Dust. 0

Before this issue i didn't see the point for this limited. But i have to say i did enjoy this one a lot more than the previous ones. For me the idea of focusing on a character like Pixie (having so many others) was a little odd, but this issue made me like her hell of a lot more.  The Good: First i have to say that the art goes very well with the story and the main characters of the book (is a little weird for the x-men though), the interaction of the girls (x-23, Mercury and Armor) was good it ...

8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

Cliffhangers just get bigger. 0

Second coming has been interesting through the beginning, but this issue is the one to make you impatient for the next chapter to come.Hope and Cable finally get an involvement with the rest, the new mutants had some hard time and decisions, Cyclops gets to rethinks his whole strategy, the villains really made a big move and gain advantage over the x-men, we even get some deaths, this issue has a lot of things going on.   The Good: The story is pretty consistent and the plot thickens as characte...

9 out of 9 found this review helpful.