
    Peter Seyfert

    Character » Peter Seyfert appears in 23 issues.

    Peter Seyfert is the owner of Seyfert Salvage and the father of Juston Seyfert.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Brief History

    Peter was a single parrent whom raised his two sons Juston and Chris and at the same time was owner of Seyfert Salvage. It was in his scrabyard that Juston found a defunct Sentinel unit witch he restored. At first, Peter was not aware of Juston's secret Sentinel, but eventually he and many others found out. Some months later, Juston attended Avengers Academy, despite what Peter thought best for him. He even tried to convince him to come back, Juston however refused. Peter now work still at his hometown and takes care of his other son Chris.

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