

    Character » Oedi appears in 63 issues.

    Oedi is from an experimented race of peaceful Cat people started by the Instrumenlity. They were hoping for a super soldier cat people but they got a peace loving farmer cat person. They were allowed to live and work because the Instrumenlity needed the food which they produced. He joined with Dreadstar after his entire race was murdered in a war between the Monarch and the Instrumenlity.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Oedi last edited by KillerZ on 07/23/22 07:50AM View full history

    Oedi was a peaceful farmer, on the same world that Dreadstar lived, when the entire population was murdered because of the warring factions thought that the world was important. The only survivors were Dreadstar, Oedi and Syzygy they decided to put a stop to the war by becoming a wild card in the middle. Along the way they picked up other recruits with the same ideals as them. Syzygy helped to train Oedi in armed and unarmed combat. He became an expert marksman with laser pistols and his agility helped him in unarmed combat. He also had excellent hearing, smell, and ability to see in almost total darkness.


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