
    New Mutants

    Team » New Mutants appears in 1673 issues.

    The New Mutants are a team of young mutants in training at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

    Short summary describing this team.

    The New Mutants were created in 1982 by Chris Claremont and Bob McLoad. They are X-Men related characters, that were initially brought in to make Professor Charles Xavier's school for the gifted youngsters feel like a real school again. In the early 1990's the New Mutants would evolve to X-Force. The following will be a guide to their best comics.


    Graphic Novel

    Marvel Graphic Novel #4 - The New Mutants: Renewal

    The New Mutants make their first appearance in Marvel's fourth graphic novel. Here you will witness the origins of the original New Mutants, Sunspot, Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Karma, and Moonstar. When the mutants are individually discovered by Charles Xavier, he will learn that a member of the Hellfire clubs inner circle, Donald Pierce, is also after them. See as conflict emerges between the two in this classic graphic Novel. Written by Chris Claremont with art by Bob McLoad.

    Ongoing Series

    New Mutants by Chris Claremont

    New Mutants by Chris Claremont

    The New Mutants receive their first ongoing series in 1983. While the series does have a slow start, it really picks up at issue #18 when Bill Sienkiewicz joins the creative team. This is where this book, arguably, becomes one of the best runs in comics. This will be a story about these kids, just trying to live their lives, while dealing with having Super powers. As the series goes on, new characters will come and characters will leave. Warlock, Cypher, and Magma will all join the team. Magneto will eventually take over as headmaster, and will even have a confrontation with the Avengers in New Mutants in New Mutants #40. Chris Claremont will eventually leave the book after a 54 issue run, shortly after doing a sequel story to the critically acclaimed Days of Future Past, and will turn over the writing duties to fellow X writer, Louise Simonson.

    New Mutants by Louise Simonson

    New Mutants by Louise Simonson

    Simonson starts writing the New Mutants at issue #55. She will change the writing style to more of a young readers friendly style. She will also write the crossovers for Fall of Mutants.

    Cable and Preludes to X-Force

    Cable and the New Mutants

    X-Force: Cable and the New Mutants

    This sees the debut of the mutant known as Cable as well as the Mutant Liberation Front. This will also have the debut of Cable's nemesis, Strife. The layouts to what will become X-Force is seen here. Written by Louise Simonson with art by Rob Liefeild.

    X-Tincton Agenda

    X-Tincton Agenda

    This is a crossover where the New Mutants will team with the X-Men as well as X-Factor. Cable and his team will be at Xavier's mansion training when they are attacked by the forces of Cameron Hodge in their homes. Some of the New Mutants will be captured by the attackers. Cable and the New Mutants will have to team up with the X-Men and X-Factor to battle Cameron Hodge and the forces of the military state known as Genosha. Written by Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson with art by Jim Lee, Rob Linfield, and John Bogdanove.


    The New Mutants #98 - The Beginning Of The End Part One, The New Mutants #99 - The Beginning Of The End Part Two, and The New Mutants #100 - The End Of The Beginning.

    X-Force originally formed in the last three issues of New Mutants volume one. Here you will see the mysterious mutant, Cable, rally the remaining forces of the New Mutants to form a new team, as well as the debuts of new X-Force members Domino, Feral, and Shatterstar. The debut of old school X-Force enemy Deadpool, will also be seen here. Written by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeild with Liefeild doing the artwork.

    Modern Age

    New Mutants Volume 2

    New Mutants

    The New Mutants reform in 2003 with many of the original cast returning, and some new characters joining the team as well. This run is short lived, only thirteen issues, and is disconnected from the other X-Men books from the time period.

    New Mutants Volume 3

    New Mutants

    The New Mutants receive a third reboot in 2009, again with many of the original cast returning. This run is a bit longer, fifty issues, but aging seems to be disconnected from the other X-Men books from the time period.


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