
    Mr. Gone

    Character » Mr. Gone appears in 66 issues.

    A mysterious, misogynist obsessed with his niece and her connection to a realm called “the Outback”.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Mr. Gone last edited by gravenraven on 07/10/23 11:11AM View full history

    Mr. Gone has issues. Raised by his sexually and verbally abusive aunt, Mr. Gone has turned his childhood trauma into a severe hatred of woman.

    After his first wife (a drug addict) killed their son and herself. He married again but the abusive relationship was short. Gone had a girl named Sara who is a friend of Julie's. Sara developes the same powers he has in the series. After his second wife left him Mr. Gone went on a raping and killing spree. Mr. Gone tries to tell Julie about the Outback, Maxx and her childhood, but she cuts his head off... a few times.

    The Origin of Mr. Gone’s Powers:

    While on a trip to the Australian Outback to study ancient aboriginal religions, Mr. Gone discovers a form of magic that allows him to manipulate the minds of others. Mr. Gone has admitted to being a “not very powerful magician”. Also while in the Outback Mr. Gone discovered the main predator; The Isz. With his new mind controlling skills Mr. Gone acquires an army of Iszs to serve as his dim, toothy henchmen.


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