
    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 released by Boom! Studios on August 2023.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    last edited by cloudguy on 08/26/23 09:22AM View full history

    In the kickoff of this monumental 12-month event, Mistress Vile has won, or so it seems, with control of the Grid and Dark Specter's infections spreading through the universe!

    As if an epic battle between Vile and the Vessel wasn't enough, the separated and stranded Rangers receive help from the last team they'd expect, but it may not be the help they were hoping for...

    In the tradition of Shattered Grid and perfectly timed with the 30th anniversary of Power Rangers, writer Melissa Flores (Dead Lucky) and Simona Di Gianfelice (All-New Firefly) kick off the event they've been building to for the last year that will forever change the Power Rangers universe!

    Fans of Marvel Zombies and DCeased wouldn't be caught dead missing out on the debut of the Dark Grid Variant Covers-the most twisted threats the Rangers have ever seen brought to life!


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