
    Marvel Two-in-One #7

    Marvel Two-in-One » Marvel Two-in-One #7 - Name That Doom! released by Marvel on January 1975.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Name That Doom! last edited by pikahyper on 08/07/18 04:56AM View full history

         Arthur Denton, homeless drunk, wakes up on a New York City park bench just as he's yanked off the bench and into the air by Valkyrie on her winged horse, Aragorn. Arthur Denton recognizes her, and as the two vanish (well, three, counting the horse) in a burst of light, we cut to Ben and Dr. Strange...
         The two are at Doc's, and are searching for Val in the Crystal of Agamotto, with which they observe her sleeping in Vermont. We quickly recap last issue, and a little of Val's history (which is a mystery at this point- she was presumably created full grown by the Enchantress), and Ben heads for Vermont to locate Val while Doc stays in New York to research the drunkard.
         Ben, on his way to Vermont, stops at a gas station to get a map. The gas station attendant turns out to be the Executioner, and while they exchange blows the Enchantress zaps Ben from behind. The Enchantress is unable to kill Ben, and surmises that he plays some vital role in the destiny of Alvin Denton (the bum Val swooped off with). We learn that both appearances of Val to date in MTIO (taking the harmonica last ish, and kidnapping Alvin Denton this issue) were actually the disguised Enchantress. She's after the harmonica, but it is in some way tied to Alvin, so she can't steal until its done with him. So, she sets both Ben and Alvin loose, and steps away to watch and wait. Doc promptly shows up astrally, and Ben and Alvin head back for NYC. Well, Alvin wants to go to Vermont first, and they do, after being cautioned by Doc, and once there they quickly sight Val, in her civilian identity. The old man recognizes her, to Val's intense confusion, and before anything can be explained, the Enchantress and the Executioner make their moves...


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