

    Character » Khaji-Kai appears in 11 issues.

    A blue scarab that has powers similar to Khaji-Da.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Khaji-Kai last edited by magicman620 on 01/07/22 06:36PM View full history


    Khaji-Kai is a blue scarab that has powers similar to Khaji-Da. Khaji-Kai and its host destroyed the host's home planet and completely took over the host to the point he didn't remember his name. He, along with Lu-Kreeza, were observing the reactivation of Khaji-Da on Earth, perplexed by the way its host was in control when they were called away to do battle on Odym, stronghold of the Blue Lanterns. During the conflict, the healing energies of the Blue Lanterns reasserted the host's control over Khaji-Kai though he still doesn't recall his name.

    After running into Jaime on the Reach homeworld, he allies himself with him and helps him get off planet, heading to the homeworld of the Scarabs.


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