
    Justice League of America #49

    Justice League of America » Justice League of America #49 - The Bogeyman released by DC Comics on November 1, 2010.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    The Bogeyman last edited by mjaumjau on 04/01/24 03:23PM View full history

    The Brightest Day shines a spotlight on Jade as she adjusts to the repercussions of the JLA/JSA crossover. She and Donna Troy head to the San Francisco Bay area to make themselves a new home but are confronted with old and new threats – including the New Teen Titans!

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    The mind can be a dark and dismal place. 0

    Story: The beginning starts off with Supergirl working with Batman and then they go to lunch. Donna and Jenny are flying around San Francisco. They were called over to Alkatraz because something is wrong with Shadow Thief. Word got around the prison that Donna was in the city and so one of the prisoners has requested to see her. The prisoner is Bogeyman and she has some bad history with him. Bogeyman tapped into the minds of children and tortured them with their fears and just about anything. Do...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Review: Justice League of America #49 0

    After running in to their old foe, the Bogeyman, Donna Troy and Jade are thrust into a nightmarish dreamscape where they have to confront their worst fears and memories. The Good The notion of superheroes having to battle abstract living nightmares of their worst fears is a familiar trope... so I really enjoyed how Robinson turned the story on its head in this issue. Donna Troy's been around the bend long enough and gone through enough hard times to sniff out an obvious trap like this. I loved...

    4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

    Taking "Mind Rape" To a Whole New Level 0

    The Good: Wow, I have absolutely no idea who The Boogeyman was but holy shit, I will already never forget him. Robinson manages to write one of the most seriously messed up villains outside of Batman. Boogeyman seriously makes your skin crawl. The whole transition from backstory to battle, to burst of inspiration is one long amazing scene. The into of Boogeyman right before shit hits the fan makes it really obvious, but this is one case where it works brilliantly. Jade's complete mental breakdow...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.
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