The Death of Magic, Part 3: Prisoners of Epoch last edited by walestrasz on 01/05/23 10:00AM View full history

    Constantine and the others are trapped on a world where magic has been outlawed, and Tim Hunter is king!

    Their only hope of returning home is in the hands of Colonel Steve Trevor—but will the A.R.G.U.S. chief decide to protect the Earth by leaving Team Dark where they are?



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    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Captives 0

    After all the nice things said about this series, as well as the release of the new Constantineseries I finally decided to try this series, and I'm very glad that I did, as the Books of Magic storyline was phenomenal, and this series as a whole as been one of the most unique series I've read from the New 52, and I look forward to seeing what comes next.PlotThe Justice League Dark have been captured by Vikar, and are being kept captive. Meanwhile Tim Hunter needs to live up to his destiny, and Jo...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Tri-Pocalypse, Now! 0

    This cover's a bit crowded, but in a way that works. The crazy tentacle machinery is pressing down on our heroes, squishing them into the limited space left as they cower in the face of lasers and saws. Except the stoic Frankenstein who is the best ever. Plus Mikel Janin's artwork is perfect, extra kudos to Jerome Cox's colors. The colors are definitely a big part of the art working so well in this arc, with the neon glow of the various magic energies and robots and whatnot.I think I figured out...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.
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