

    Character » Imperator appears in 19 issues.

    The leader of the Empirikul who aims to eradicate all magic throughout the realms.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Lord & Lady Hellgore
    Lord & Lady Hellgore

    The Imperator's parents, Hieronymus and Abbadona Hellgore, were citizens of a society which worshipped Shuma-Gorath and the magical powers he provided in exchange for human sacrifices. Lord and Lady Hellgore, however, worshipped science as their religion instead, and when they refused to sacrifice their newborn son to their society's god, they were pronounced heretics. In order to save their son, they enclosed him in a balloon-like ship and sent him off into space before being killed at the hands of their government for their crimes against magic.

    The Imperator's Ship
    The Imperator's Ship

    The child spent his entire childhood in this ship, learning the ways of science and learning to hate magic and its users. Once grown, he declared himself The Imperator, making it his mission to purge the universe of the evil which killed his parents. He set upon a journey to destroy every last magic user and artifact of magical power in existence.

    The Last Days of Magic

    After purging multiple dimensions of their magic, the Imperator would finally set his sight on Earth, defended by Doctor Strange. After arriving and suffering some setbacks, the Imperator would not only capture Doctor Strange but as well many other sorcerers like Scarlet Witch and Magik, but they would later escape and by accident while going through his Sanctum the Imperator and his minions would unleash Mister Misery a being created from suffering itself. This occurred around the same time Doctor Strange and his friends made a final counter attack. During the desperate fight, the Imperator was blinded and finally defeated, though the Earth had lost a lot of its magic.

    The Imperator was then locked in Doctor Strange's basement, blind and with a book, were he is presumed to be even today.

    Powers and Abilities

    The Imperator's Laser Vision
    The Imperator's Laser Vision

    The Imperator had used super-science to give himself laser vision, and more importantly the ability to disrupt magic. His eyes glow green and can be used either as a concussive blast or to start green glowing fires. As well as incredible endurance against powerful attacks from not only Doctor Strange but also Mister Misery.

    Eyebots & Witchfinder Wolves
    Eyebots & Witchfinder Wolves

    He also has built an army which forms the rest of the Empirikul. This includes the robotic Eyebots, which served his parents before him and carry electric pitchforks which also serve as personal teleport devices, and Witchfinder Wolves, who share their master's laser vision.

    Despite his hatred against magic and the ability to disrupt it, the Imperator however is still weak against magic and takes heavy damage from it. As Doctor Strange would find out blinding and crippling him with magic dust from the Ancient One.


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