
    Green Power Ranger

    Character » Green Power Ranger appears in 53 issues.

    The Green Ranger was originally an evil henchmen of Rita Repulsa. After her spell was broken, Tommy became the sixth Power Ranger. His powers as Green Ranger were lost and the Dragonzord was returned to the sea, where it is still there today. As the Green Ranger, Tommy was 3rd in command.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Green Power Ranger last edited by gravenraven on 10/09/23 11:44PM View full history


    Only the MMPR Green Ranger, the Green Zeo Ranger, and Green Turbo Rangers have appeared in comics.

    Other non-mainstream Power Rangers that we haven seen are Supersonic Green (Trek, the Green Psycho Ranger), J.J. Oliver in Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon, and now Matthew "Matt" Cook in the new ongoing Mighty Morphin series.


    Each of the Power Rangers experiences an initial boost to their physical abilities once they are exposed to the Energy of the Morphing Grid; this results in a 20x to 30x amplification to their baseline Strength, Speed and Durability. Their senses and agility also undergo a less potent enhancement. Once their morphing devices are used to activate their armour, their abilities are increased by another 5x, and they are "downloaded" with the knowledge of how to use their weapons and Zord vehicles.

    Each Ranger has significant proficiency in hand to hand combat, melee weapon combat (usually specialized to two or three types of weapons), hand-held firearms, and other specialized weapons that they can utilize while not piloting their Zords. Their Zords are highly futuristic vehicles that have a variety of onboard systems arrays, which provide several different capacities: Energy and "Armored" attacks, specialized sensor equipment, and the ability to combine into a gestalt mechanical Anthropomorphic Robot.

    Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

    Green Power Ranger
    Green Power Ranger

    For more see the Tommy Oliver page.

    Tommy Oliver, played by Jason David Frank, was the first Green Power Ranger. His powers and Power Coin were created by Rita Repulsa, to destroy the other Rangers. This started to work, but the spell that was keeping him under her control was broken, allowing Tommy to join the team as the sixth ranger.

    He used the Dragon Flute to summon his Dragonzord and had many weapons including the Dragon Dagger and Shield. He was a confident and strong addition to the team, who didn't mind leading the team when Jason, the Red Power Ranger, wasn't there. He was one of the best martial artists on the team but eventually lost his powers, sending the Dragonzord back to the bottom of the sea, where it originated.

    The Green Ranger powers are still lost to this day. However, with the Master Morpher, he can replicate them.

    Tommy had a relationship with Kimberly Hart, the Pink Power Ranger. Tommy would later take on the role of the White Ranger, and much later still the Red Zeo Ranger.

    Tommy Oliver
    Tommy Oliver

    Power Rangers Zeo

    Green Zeo Ranger
    Green Zeo Ranger

    For more see the Adam Park page.

    When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers lost their powers, they acquired new ones from the Zeo Crystal. The former black ranger Adam Park, played by Johnny Yong Bosch, took the Green Power and became the Green Zeo Ranger. Adam controlled Zeo Zord lV and Super Zeo Zord lV. His weapon was the Power Hatchets. He is reserved and quiet, but always is there for friends, no matter the cost. He is a great and unique martial artist, using the items around him in battle. He was close to Tanya, the Yellow Zeo Ranger, and some suspected they were dating, but it never revealed this. The Zeo powers are still intact to this day but were inferior to the next powers.

    Adam Park
    Adam Park

    Power Rangers Turbo

    Adam Park
    Adam Park

    Adam continued his journey as a Ranger by accepting the Turbo powers. This season he was a bit more open and talkative, but his martial arts were showcased quite a bit. He was second in command of the rangers and always positive about the situation at hand. He controlled the Desert Thunder Zord. His personal weapon was called the Thunder Canon which was powerful and he was extremely accurate with it.

    These powers were eventually transferred to Carlos Valerte, who was played by Roger Velasco, because Adam needed to move on to the next step in his life. Carlos was impulsive and not as good as a fighter, but was more outgoing and was the Green Ranger until the Turbo Powers were destroyed after the destruction of the Power Chamber. He eventually was given Thunder Loader which was a new Zord for him to use. Carlos continued to become the Black Space Ranger

    Green Turbo Ranger
    Green Turbo Ranger

    Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

    Green Galaxy Ranger
    Green Galaxy Ranger

    Damon Henderson, played by Reggie Rolle, was a mechanic in the Astro Megaship after it was turned into a walk-in museum. He was forced to go with Kai, Blue Galaxy Ranger, to save his friends who would become power rangers. Once they go there, they acquired the Quasar Sabers which gave them their powers. Damon tended to be selfish a bit rude at first but was a very kind guy once he got to know and love the other rangers. He controlled the Condor Galactazord and his personal weapon was the Transblaster. His powers were eventually returned to their resting place when He put his Quasar Saber back in the stone it came from.

    Damon Henderson
    Damon Henderson

    Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue

    Green Rescue Ranger
    Green Rescue Ranger

    Joel Rawlings, played by Keith Robinson, was a stunt pilot and was offered to join the Lightspeed Rescue program. He eventually joined and became the Green Rescue Ranger. He was impulsive and cocky but wanted what was best for others at heart. He is known for his crush on one of the Scientist of the program, Ms Fairweather, whom he later married. He controlled the Aero Rescue Three, Rail Rescue Three, and Omega Zord Three Zords. He had many weapons, most notably the Mega Battle Armour.

    Joel Rawlings
    Joel Rawlings

    Power Rangers Time Force

    Green Time Force Ranger
    Green Time Force Ranger

    Trip Regis, played by Kevin Kleinberg, was an alien from the planet Xybria. He has small mental powers that he can't quite control and come at random times. This often helped his team in bad situations. He is a very trusting and naive person, which others take advantage of. He is a technological genius and keeps the Zords and other equipment up to speed. His companion, Circuit, also helps create and maintain the Zords. He is a decent fighter and a very kind person. He controlled a Time Flier with his colour on it as well as his personal weapon V3, which is in the shape of a canon.

    Trip Regis
    Trip Regis

    Power Rangers Ninja Storm

    For the green Samurai Ranger see Cameron Watanabe.

    Power Rangers S.P.D.

    For more see the Bridge Carson page.

    Green S.P.D. Ranger
    Green S.P.D. Ranger

    Bridge Carson, played by Matt Austin, is a funny guy who relies on his instinct in battle. He a lot of skills which include mechanics, fixing technology, and a lot more. He is gullible but always pulls through for his team no matter what. He is unique in what he does and says but is loved for that reason. He is also a very good judge of character, which he is proud of. Bridge controls the Delta Runner3 and S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 Zords. This team had many different weapons and abilities, most notably S.W.A.T. Mode, which they had to train to acquire. Bridge is promoted to Blue Ranger at the end of the series and is shown to have been further promoted to a red ranger in Once A Ranger, a 15th Anniversary episode.

    Bridge Carson
    Bridge Carson

    Power Rangers Mystic Force

    Green Mystic Force Ranger
    Green Mystic Force Ranger

    Xander Bly, played by Richard Brancatisano, is a charming and outgoing Australian who moved to the U.S. He is fun to hang around, but insecure on the inside because of how long he was when first arriving in America. He is very close to his friends and will do anything for them. He is known for his talkative puns in battle and his understanding of other problems. He is in control of the Mystic Minotaur Zord and his personal weapon is the Magi Staff which turns into an Axe. Xander later returns with his powers in the Once A Ranger team-up.

    Xander Bly
    Xander Bly

    Power Rangers RPM

    For more see the Ziggy Grover page.

    Green RPM Ranger
    Green RPM Ranger

    Ziggy Grover, played by Milo Cawthorne, is a former thief and selfish con man. He is a former member of a group who steals but left. He is mischievous constantly, but his heart is in the right place. He is unique in the fact that he has no fighting skills and relies solely on luck and craftiness in battle, which usually works. He isn't the bravest person, but when It comes to those he loves, he is self-sacrificial. He wasn't meant to be a ranger but had to bond with the Morpher to keep it from Tanaya 7. He controls the Tail Spinner Zord and his personal weapon in the Nitro Blaster.

    Ziggy Grover
    Ziggy Grover

    Power Rangers Super Megaforce

    Green Super Megaforce Ranger
    Green Super Megaforce Ranger

    Jake Holling is a funny wise-cracking individual who enjoys a good laugh and at times showing off his skills of soccer and fighting to impress his friends, especially Gia whom he has a crush on. He was originally the Black Megaforce Ranger chosen by Earth's ancient guardian Gosei but later becomes the Green Super Megaforce Ranger, being the only member to receive a change in colour in conjunction to upgrade. Jake is fearless and a loyal ally to his team, going to great lengths to rescue Troy all by himself while the other rangers needed much rest from their injuries. He initially didn't get along with Orion but later comes to respect for his help. Jake is uniting his friends together and pilots the Super Mega Racer Zord.

    Jake Holling
    Jake Holling

    Power Rangers Dino Charge

    Green Dino Charge Ranger
    Green Dino Charge Ranger

    Riley Griffin, portrayed by actor Michael Taber, is the Green Dino Charge Power Ranger. He represents the Velociraptor dinosaur and commands the Raptor Zord. At 17 years old, Riley is the youngest of all the rangers on the team. Riley is quiet, yet confident and disciplined. In fact, he is one of the more intelligent members on the team, enjoying such activities as fencing, chess, and solving a Rubik's cube. His only setback is that he doesn't like to get dirty and can be very picky when it comes to food, which oftentimes irritates the other rangers.

    Other Media

    Video Games

    Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (2000)

    No Caption Provided

    Joel Rawlings appears as a playable character in the Playstation and Gameboy Colour editions.

    Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

    Izzy Garcia - Dino Fury

    No Caption Provided

    Game Bio: Izzy is Javi Garcia's step sister, she met the Rangers and expresses her fandom before learning her step-brother had taken the Nephrite Orb. When Javi broke the Orb, she released the Stego and Tiger Dino Keys, which instantly morph Javi and Izzy into the Black and Green Dino Fury Rangers respectively.

    Released on 22/10/22.

    Xander Bly - Mystic Force

    No Caption Provided

    Game Bio: Alexander "Xander" Bly comes from Australia and when he first arrived people tested him because of his accent and was excluded many times. When he worked at Rock Porium with other Rangers, he usually assigned his work to someone else. Because of his big ego and overconfidence, he got into trouble many times, but he still knows how to admit mistakes.

    Released on 01/07/22.


    Bat in the Sun, Episode 15

    Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger

    Bat in the Sun created a simulated battle between the Mighty Morphin Green Power and Ryu from the Street Fighter video game series. Jason David Frank Reprises his role as the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger to fight against Ryu.


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