
    Green Lantern #72

    Green Lantern » Green Lantern #72 - Hero Quest part 2: Fawcett released by DC Comics on March 1, 1996.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Kyle's next stop on his quest to become a better hero is Fawcett City for a visit with the earthly avatar of Olympic power: Captain Marvel. What can the last Green Lantern learn from a hero whose strength and abilities rival that of the Man of Steel himself?

    Shazam saves a local professor from certain death after a boulder falls and almost kills him. Once the deed is done he departs. Kyle has arrived in town to see the local hero and he sketches the local art exhibit. He gets thrown out by the professor. While outside he meets with Billy Batson the civilian identity of shazam. He shares his sketches with the young man while the professor unleashes a long dead god “Seti” and becomes possessed by it. Kyle and Billy transform separately and do battle with the villain Kyle attacks but Shazam wants to try and talk things out. Incidentally Shazam is the one to defeat the villain with words and Kyle having learned a valuable lesson departs.

    Galaxies away a slew of Darkstar related planets lay in ruins and the next projected hit is the planet Rann, John Stewart and Donna Troy plan to intercept the would be villain.



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    Holey-Moley! 0

     Summary Shazam saves a local professor from certain death after a boulder falls and almost kills him. Once the deed is done he departs. Kyle has arrived in town to see the local hero and he sketches the local art exhibit. He gets thrown out by the professor. While outside he meets with Billy Batson the civilian identity of shazam. He shares his sketches with the young man while the professor unleashes a long dead god “Seti” and becomes possessed by it. Kyle and Billy transform separately and do...

    15 out of 15 found this review helpful.
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