
    Green Arrow #44

    Green Arrow » Green Arrow #44 - New Blood Part Five: Positive released by DC Comics on January 2005.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    New Blood Part Five: Positive last edited by lordhater1 on 10/03/23 10:31AM View full history

    They discover Mia is H.I.V. positive.



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    One of the most moving stories 0

    Cover The cover has nothing special on it but the two words that are on the cover makes it a great cover and you know it is going to be a great issue and those words are HIV positive. Story Mia found out she is HIV positive and she tells Ollie she probably got it because she had to have sex to live when she grew up on the streets. She also had to take drugs like speed to keep herself awake that way she did not get raped. Mia has to take drug cocktail but, other than that she will be fine. Conner...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.
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