
    Rumiko Takahashi

    Person » Rumiko Takahashi is credited in 3434 issues.

    Rumiko Takahashi is the writer and artist for such works as Mao, Rin-ne, InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, Mermaid Saga​, Urusei Yatsura​. She is currently the most sold female comics artist in history. Her work has been translated from Japanese into English and from manga to animation to reach larger audiences. She's also one of Shogakukan's veterans alongside Mitsuru Adachi

    Short summary describing this person.

    Rumiko Takahashi last edited by SCW2003 on 03/01/23 07:58AM View full history

    Born in Niigata Japan 1957, Takahashi Rumiko has published 8 different major manga for publisher

     Urusei Yatsura
    Urusei Yatsura

    Shogakukan. Much of her work has been made into TV series in Japan. Some such as InuYasha, have been put into films and cartoon series in both Japanese and English by Viz Meida, which is co-owned by Shogakukan. Her creations can be read and seen from Japan to North America to the UK.

    In 1978 Fresh out of Gekiga Sonjuku, (famous manga school in Japan) Takahashi made her first manga series Urusei Yatsura. By 1981, Urusei Yatsura became a TV series which was partly directed by Ghost in the Shell's director Mamoru Oshii.

    Takahashi's work, One-Pound Gospel ( Ichi Pound no Fukuin) ran on Nippon TV on Saturdays for three months in 2008. Kosaku Hatanaka, the protagonist, is used today in numerous ads to promote everything from energy drinks, to love hotels.

    Still active and still writing and drawling, Takahashi is one of Japan's wealthiest women. Her latest work Mao, that started in 2019, has already cranked out 15 volumes and +170 chapters (as of March 2023).


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