
    Eugene Porter

    Character » Eugene Porter appears in 159 issues.

    Eugene Porter is a survivor of the apocalypse and member of the Alexandria community. Originally claiming to be a scientist and who knew what caused the zombie plague, he was revealed to be a high school science teacher lying to survive, he has proved a useful and loyal member of Rick's group.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Eugene Porter last edited by gravenraven on 06/24/23 09:30PM View full history


    Eugene is first seen when he arrives at Hershel's farm which is now been occupied by the remaining prison survivors. Eugene claims that he knows what has caused the plague, but will not disclose any information with the remaining survivors, including Abraham and Rosita, and will only share information with officials in Washington DC. This along with the thought that Washington is the only safezone, prompts the rest of the survivors to head towards Washington in order to stand a chance at living.
    During the journey, Eugene studies various zombies in order to gain further knowledge of them. But at the same time remains in the shadows of the convoy to Washington. 
    After the Hunter ordeal, it is discovered that Eugene had been deceiving the rest of the group, and was not a scientist, but rather a science teacher, using the radio as an excuse to get to Washington DC.

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