
    East of West #2

    East of West » East of West #2 - Two: Above All, Few Are Chosen released by Image on April 2013.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Following the high crimes in the debut issue of EAST OF WEST, the fallout spreads across the broken nations of America. Forces align to stave off the apocalypse, while equally powerful ones do everything they can to bring it to pass.

    One of the most exciting new books of the year, this is EAST OF WEST, a brand new, ongoing, monthly comic from the award-winning team of Marvel's FF, JONATHAN HICKMAN and NICK DRAGOTTA.



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    none of this issue.


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    4.7 stars

    Average score of 3 user reviews

    East of West #2 Review 0

    When is it too early to give a series critical acclaim? Now I am completely against people being fan boys of certain writers but come on after the work Jonathan Hickman has been doing on Avengers and now East of West how can you fault me?!When I read the first issue I must admit I was a tad bit lost and I had to reread a couple of times but once I immersed myself within the book I got so excited. Just like the first issue I had to read and re-read for an analysis and boy was it worth it. Last i...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    East of West #2 Rating 0

    Cover & Solicit - 3/5Would I pick-up or buy the comic based on the solicit or cover alone?Are the alternate covers appealing?Does the solicit and cover portray what happens in the issue?Do I like the artist's style on the cover?Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5- Weighted DoubleDo I personally like this artist's style?Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?If there are multiple artists do they blend well and not disturb the reading experience?Does the coloring/inking blend well w...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    The Best is "East of West" 0

    EAST OF WEST #2 (5/5)Jonathan Hickman (W) Nick Dragotta (A) Frank Martin (C)Issue two of East of West is quite simply one of the best comics on the shelves this week. Writer Jonathan Hickman’s set-up of “Death” being hunted down by the remaining three horsemen as they position the governmental power structure, to assure the destruction of all things, is both deeply engaging and exciting. Normally long sequences of dialogue bore me quickly but the the scene between Death and Chamberlin on the fin...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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