
    Doom Patrol #22

    Doom Patrol » Doom Patrol #22 - Doomsday (No, Not Him) released by DC Comics on July 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Doomsday (No, Not Him) last edited by trickled on 05/02/23 06:03PM View full history

    It's all been building to this! To retake Oolong Island, The Doom Patrol must face a pan-galactic array of foes, old and new alike. Hanging in the balance is the fate of the team, the island – and maybe even the world!


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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Doom Patrol Ends For a 5th Time 0

    The Good: Ambush Bug is so funny. This issue begins with Animal-Mineral-Vegetable Man waking up in Antarctica. Turns out Ambush Bug, Crazy Jane, and Dusty are holed up in Danny the Bungalo and MSE is afraid to attack it; so Ambush Bug is constantly randomly teleporting members of the Front Men to Antarctica. SO FUNNY.I'm glad we FINALLY got to see that Crazy Jane was still a part of this series after she was absent for so long. I just wish she would've had some cameos or something.DIalogue is sm...

    7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

    Doomed Patrol 0

    After a nearly two year run, the Doom Patrol series comes to an end with this issue as the team storms the beaches of Oolong Island to retake their adoptive home. It is a bittersweet end to one of DC Comics' better series of the past few years and a disappointing reminder than quality does not often equal sales in the comics industry.One way or another, this issue wraps up many of the lingering plot threads and leaves the series in a position similar to how it began. This is far preferable to de...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.
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