
    DC/WS DreamWar #1

    DC/WS DreamWar » DC/WS DreamWar #1 - Chimera Rising released by DC Comics on June 1, 2008.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Chimera Rising last edited by gravenraven on 12/30/23 01:48PM View full history

    The Midnighter and Grifter. Zealot and Deathblow. Superman and Wonder Woman. Superman and Wonder Woman? In this landmark miniseries by writer Keith Giffen (52), Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott (MIDNIGHTER), the Earth is being torn apart. So when DC Universe heroes begin appearing in the WildStorm Universe, it seems at first they might be the answer to all the problems. Until it becomes clear that they might just be the reason for all the problems. And the Justice League of America doesn't know how they got here...or how to get back!


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