
    Daredevil #105

    Daredevil » Daredevil #105 - World on Fire released by Marvel on April 10, 2015.

    Fisk moves forward with plans that threaten to rip Hell's Kitchen apart. Murdock and Foggy take on a case helping tenants victimized by a slumlord.

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    A Latina woman named Elena Cardenas comes to Nelson & Murdock after the slumlord who owns her building sends goons to try to scare her out of her home. Nelson and Page go to meet with the landlord's lawyer at Landman & Zack to find that he's represented by Marci Stahl, Nelson's ex. When they get no traction there, Murdock goes to the police station to look into complaints against the landlord. While there he overhears something shocking.



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    Feel the Heat 0

    The building gang war finally erupts in “World On Fire”. If last episode was about Fisk's private life, this one is about his role as The Kingpin. Even during his second date with Vanessa the talk is less about romance, and more about his plans for the neighborhood, and why she shouldn't fear him, even though she knows what he does for a living.But the "fire" of the title is, as usual, a metaphor. It not only refers to the literal burning of Hell's Kitchen - something that happens wh...

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