
    Countdown To Final Crisis #1

    Countdown To Final Crisis » Countdown To Final Crisis #1 - TPB released by DC Comics on May 1, 2008.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    TPB last edited by magicman620 on 09/22/20 06:11PM View full history

    Collects: Countdown To Final Crisis #51-39

    The first of a series of four volumes, COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS VOL. ONE collects issues #51-39 of the incredible tale starring Jimmy Olsen, Mary Marvel, Donna Troy and all the major characters of the DC Universe!

    COUNTDOWN follows up the events of bestsellers INFINITE CRISIS and 52 and leads into DC's next major event, FINAL CRISIS. When a surprising character dies in chapter one, it sets off an unexpected ripple that will touch virtually every character in the DC Universe and change the status quo forever.



    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    The Countdown Has Begun 0

    The Story: The Countdown To Final Crisis focusing on Jimmy Olsen, Holly Robinson, Mary Marvel, Karate Kid, Donna Troy, Jason Todd, Pied Piper and the Trickster and how their roles play into the upcoming crisis. My Thoughts:This event is very similar to DC Comics epic 52 story arc. This trade collects issues #51-39 and are presented backwards to signify the countdown to the Final Crisis. Paul Dini heads up this event with a bunch of other talented comic creators. They all focus on a variety of un...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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