
    Cosmic Grail

    Object » Cosmic Grail appears in 4 issues.

    The last surviving remnant of earth-15

    Short summary describing this thing.

    Cosmic Grail last edited by The_Kidd on 01/29/20 12:58AM View full history

    An object of powerful qualities, the Cosmic Grail is the last relic which survived the destruction of the earth-15 universe at the hands of Superboy Prime. Hidden in one of the many worlds of the multiverse it said it have amazing yet undeterminated qualities. In earth-17 the Cosmic Grail has become an object of cult and search. The Atomic Knights hope than the Cosmic Grail can help to rebuilt their damaged world and their search is one of their main crusade.

    Is highly probable than the Cosmic Grail is a Green Lantern battery or even the Green Lantern Central Battery from earth-15. Still why is different of other similar objects is still unknown.


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