
    Chaos War: X-Men #1

    Chaos War: X-Men » Chaos War: X-Men #1 - Dead X-Men, Pt. 1 released by Marvel on February 1, 2011.

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    X-Men greats Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson join artist extraordinaire Doug Braithwaite in a special 2-issue CHAOS WAR tie-in. As the Marvel Universe is destroyed pantheon by pantheon by the dark god, Chaos King, the rift between the underworld and Earth is violently ripped apart. How can a handful of deceased X-Men make a difference in Chaos King's war against life? Get ready for the startling answer when the most unique team of mutants ever bands together to save the Earth from eternal darkness.



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Review: Chaos War X-Men #1 0

    Thunderbird leads a team of resurrected X-Men, including Banshee and the Stepford Cuckoos, against a murder of the Chaos King's soul-stealing crows.  The Good Claremont and Simonson key in on something here that's actually a lot more tragic than anything any number of tribute specials could convey. Thunderbird actually would've been a great X-Men, maybe even a great leader, if he'd ever gotten his fair shake. That, plus the quite-accurate characterizations of the rest of the resurrected, makes ...

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