

    Character » Challenger appears in 20 issues.

    Jaiime Conrad is the leader to planet Georwell's prime group of superheroes, the Justice Machine. He is the husband to Diviner and father to Blazer.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Challenger is married to fellow Justice Machine member Diviner and father to team member Blazer.

    Challenger and Diviner had three sons. Their marriage collapsed after their eldest son was killed in military training, and their relationship deteriorated further when their remaining sons were assigned to the same training.  Diviner and Challenger's relationship was reconciled when he chose to risk his life to retrieve their surviving sons from Georwell.

    Challenger and Blazer's mother had a brief but powerful relationship when they served together on one of many previous versions of the Justice Machine. Their relationship was broken up by the machinations of Georwell's ruling body, with both Challenger and Blazer believing her father was Lightwave, another former Justice Machine member.  Maxinor revealed the truth to Blazer and Challenger when the Justice Machine was desperately searching for a compatible medical donor for a surgery to help Blazer better control her powers.

    Powers and Abilities
    Although possessing no actual super powers, Challenger is an excellent marksman and an expert in armed and unarmed combat. A theme throughout the series is Challenger's age. He is over 50, and despite being in excellent condition, has experienced a decrease in his physical abilities. Challenger compensates for that loss by designing and utilizing a wide range of weapons and gadgetry.


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