
    Blade of the Immortal #93

    Blade of the Immortal » Blade of the Immortal #93 - Last Blood, Part Four released by Dark Horse Comics on September 1, 2004.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Stunned by conflicting emotions and indecision, Rin watches as the revenge-mad Iriya confronts Makie, the skilled angel of death. Iriya's seen what Makie can do, but with Anotsu finally within his sights, a bloody battle is unavoidable. Nearby, Magatsu and Manji cross swords with the remaining Shingyötö-ryü swordsmen. Magatsu, still recovering from his last terrible fight, tries to hold his ground against one of the Shingyötö-ryü clan's most honorable students, while Manji, eager to finally be reunited with Rin, hopes to send a few more opponents to the afterlife. As his latest dogfight gets messier, Hiroaki Samura continues to reinvent the bushidö grudge match by mixing elements of classic samurai tales and epic Western films with modern punk rock sensibilities.



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