
    Billjohn O'Henry

    Character » Billjohn O'Henry appears in 16 issues.

    Bounty hunter, horse thief, gunfighter, and 'card sharp'. Friend of Drake Sinclair.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    BillJohn O'Henry was a close and immensely trusted personal friend of Drake Sinclair. O'Henry traveled shortly with Sinclair and Becky Montcrief to rid the world of, or acquire the six guns. His death at the Battle of Maw was foreseen by Montcrief in their travels. O'Henry counters Bloodthirsty Bill's canon gun with a large canon of his own, killing Bloodthirsty Bill. O'Henry is then finished by the resurrection gun.

    BillJohn O'Henry still travels with Sinclair as a definition lacking husk and often keeps Drakes four pistols hidden inside his body for safe keeping. Even in death Sinclair admits he does not trust anyone as much as BillJohn, and he is never too far behind his former companion,


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