

    Character » Bellona appears in 50 issues.

    Bellona is a clone of X-23. Unique among her "sisters," including Laura, an anomaly during the process to create her resulted in her being born with oculocutaneous albinism.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Bellona last edited by Doc-Holiday on 05/29/24 08:24AM View full history


    One of four clones of X-23 to escape from Alchemax Genetics. Bellona is a violent and angry woman, easily distinguished by her albinism. Like the other girls, she lacks Wolverine's healing factor and claws.


    Bellona was created by Tom Taylor and David Lopez and first appeared in All-New Wolverine issue 2 (2016).

    Major Story Arcs

    Meeting X-23

    Bellona appears to be one of the driving forces behind the Sisters' rampage against Alchemax Genetics, and at times seems only nominally under Zelda's control. However she cares deeply for her sisters, and like Zelda took great pains to protect Gabby from the worst of their treatment at Alchemax's hands.

    Her first instinct in most situations is to just shoot it, and it took her the longest to begin trusting Laura of any of the Sisters.

    She, along with the other Sisters, made a deal with Kimura to destroy Alchemax Genetics in exchange for her aid in their escape, and providing them with weapons and equipment. At least part of the agreement led Bellona to remand herself to Kimura's custody to allow Gabby to go free after the mission was completed.

    Powers & Abilities

    Bellona lacks the same healing factor as X-23 and Wolverine but lacks the ability to feel pain due to the experiments conducted by Alchemax. She is also highly-skilled in various forms of combat.


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